Ian Douglas Terry

Pretty much just a dude

My name is Ian Douglas Terry. I was born in Cozad, Nebraska and currently live in Denver, Colorado. I spent a decade in punk and hardcore bands, then almost another decade in the sketch and stand -up comedy world. Now I mostly make lasagna, hike around the mountains, and take baths. This website is a collection of old writings, old videos, and my newer projects. If I was born a girl instead of a boy, my name would have been Natalie. I also had a tail for most of my life.  Let's party.

Current Projects

They are pretty cool. Give them a click.

Cool Shit is a music podcast where I play my favorite (mostly old dude punk rock) songs and tell wild stories with friends.

Dude Sweet is a podcast I co-host with Brian Keith Nelson that focuses on mental health, entertainment, and being a better dude. Hell yeah.

Hell Yeah History is my Youtube show where I dive in to random historical events that I find interesting and also review awful movies. Good times.

Old writings

A collections of things I wrote over the years

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